"I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear,
free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I
believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of
freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind." From the Canadian Bill of
Rights, July 1, 1960
Hiking, Snowshoeing and Kayaking around Vancouver

Korean Winter Olympics February 9-25 2018
Christmas Message from TBM Scandinavia
Christmas Epiphany - Greed
Christmas Peace

A Whirlwind of Christmas Murders:
Shooting in Surrey
Murder in Maple Ridge
Three found dead in Kelowna home
Outlaws President in Florida shot dead
Gavinder Grewal shot dead in North Vancouver
Steve Bragg charged with the murder of Victoria Head
Canadian Generic drug tycoon and wife murdered in Toronto
Mayor's Glutton Council receives a breath of fresh air
Aussie Hells Angel arrested for drugs in Thailand
Charges laid in police murder of Hudson Brooks
Fake poll tries to ban all firearms in Canada
Nationalizing Canada's oil is good for business
Site C Dam proceeds and so does the BC Hydro Fraud
US suports election fraud and drug trafficking in Honduras
The CIA's double standard in Honduras is heart breaking
Juan Orlando Hernández: Wanted for Murder
Spotlight on Honduras Election Fraud

Hawthorne Park Fraud Exposed
Infrastructure expert condemns Surrey LRT
Shattered confidence in the BC justice system
Jamie Bacon's Girlfriend dies of a drug overdose
Charges stayed against Jamie Bacon in Surrey Six
Prosecutors to appeal the stay on Jamie Bacon’s charges
Fall yeilds to Winter -
Winter yeilds to Spring -
Carol of the Bells

Keep SNC-Lavalin's project overruns out of Surrey
SNC’s fraud & corruption hearing set for 2018
Andrew Weaver's position on the Site C Dam
The Devil's Deal for Hawthorne Park
Surrey Mayor Misrepresents the Whole Story
Police protecting drug dealers on the Surrey strip
Taxpayers should stand up for SkyTrain not LRT in Surrey
Luc LeBlanc found guilty of conspiracy to import cocaine
More Manslaughter charges against fentanyl dealers
Bacchus infects Prince Edward Island like a STD
Body found under Edmonton garage Identified
The Edmonton "Attack" and Project Argus
Second Shooter in Vegas Attack
Tunnel fear mongering is false
Edmonton LRT is a bad model
Stopping the Evictions in Clayton Heights
The Vancouver Province Spins for Linda Hepner
Pedestrian wearing earbuds killed by Edmonton LRT
Dianne Watts' leadership bid receives mixed reviews
Dianne Watts runs for BC Liberals -
Go Godzilla

Surrey School Board places roadblock to LRT
Gangsters out endorses Andrew Wilkinson
Most Expensive Mistake in Surrey
LRT for Surrey is a bad idea
The Fall of Dianne Watts
David Suzuki speaks at Surrey Rally
Horgan approves public funds for political parties
Durham police officers charged with drug traficking
Boeing vs Bombardier: Another case of tax fraud
Police request delay in legalization of pot
Residents want funding for LRT cut

NDP scrap $2.5 billion bridge
Michael Smyth needs to get a life
Donald Trump creates humanitarian crisis

Burma needs Canadian Peacekeepers
60 year old golfer shot in leg while paying golf
Removing bridge tolls save taxpayers $2.5 billion
Fatal shooting in Chilliwack - a week of violence
Communist China still lying about North Korea

The Garibaldi Lake hike
Vancouver bridge tolls have been lifted
Larry Amero's drug trafficking charges stayed

Save Hawthorne Park and get rid of Linda Hepner
Linda Hepner plans road through elementary school field

The Vancouver Province Nails it once again
Another man shot dead in Surrey
18 year old shot dead in Abbotsford
Targeted shooting in Langley kills two
Woman shot in face at Toronto restaurant
Man killed in shooting inside Toronto mall
Luc Leblanc charged with cocaine trafficking
Police bust a couple of drug dealers on the Surrey strip
Sikh Motorcycle Club protests Surrey City Hall & RCMP
Two busts in PEI keeps the pressure on the Hells Angels
Fredericton Hells Angel charged with possession of drugs
Communist China and the Clintons threaten World Peace
Hells Angels tied to summer of mob violence in Toronto
Imperial Mines renewed attack on Clayoquot Sound
William Majcher exposed Canadian Corruption
A Common Sense Approach to Immigration
New Evidence at the Bacon murder trial
Rising above Hate and Intolerance

Fentanyl drug bust in Calgary
South Seattle's Crack epidemic revisited
Site C: A Dam that is built on sand will not stand
Hells Angels member faces charges after raid at home
Hells Angels associates in court from Langford bust
Whiterock RCMP wakes up and smells the coffee
Agent Provocateurs shall rise again

Shootings in Surrey and Richmond
Vancouver gets third lethal injection site
Lockheed Martin still trying to scam Canadian taxpayers
Site C: A Dam that is built on sand will not stand
North Korea Madness - China is not neutral
The Cronyism of Gordon Wilson
Watch Kill the Messenger
Watch Freeway: Crack in the System
Police chase gang members but ignore drug trafficking
Hells Angels associate firearms sentence reduced
Police protecting drug dealers on the Surrey strip
Hells Angels associate shot dead in Chilliwack
Solicitor General vows to tackle gang violence
Zen and the Art of Civil Liberty
The Fall of Dianne Watts
Over 20 Million Served
Sky Pilot - Finian is Back
Bystander hit in Surrey Driveby
All Good things must come to an end
Hacksaw Ridge - Take Heed of the Dream
Dennis Watson comments on David Giles' death
David Giles
was caught on wire stating that not all members of the Hells
Angels are involved in criminal activity but anyone who uses the
name of the club for criminal activity must have that activity
approved by the local executive.
Supporting the influx of Refugees in Canada

After 150 years of freedom Canada is no longer free
Surrey has fallen -
New York model Abandoned

Fatal shooting in East Vancouver tied to the Hells Angels
Hells Angels associate convicted in Toronto Murder
Father shot dead while holding three year old son
Two good men murdered by shameless drug dealers

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson retires
Sheila Fraser's review of RCMP lawsuits
Victoria police chief resigns
Donald Trump arms ISIS
The Call of Duty

Journalist murdered in Mexico
The Postmedia Genocide Continues
Stingray antenna outside Surrey Pretrial
Tristin Hopper nailed it: Harm Promotion Sucks
6 Hells Angels arrested in Langford
Kamloops turns up the heat
2017 Tofino Summer Jam

NDP wants to scrap bridge tolls
BC Election Results -
Korean Election Results
Spotlight on the 2018 Winter Olympics in Korea
Renegotiating NAFTA Chapter 11
Domestic violence skyrockets in Edmonton
Prescription heroin will destroy public healthcare
Most overdoses on Welfare wednesday ever recorded
The Site C Dam and the privatization of health care
Ottawa judge stole from Catholic church
Peter Fassbender drops the ball
Reflecting on Easter Morning
Giant Iceberg floats past Newfoundland
CBC confirms Harm Promotion isn't working
Landfill Harmonic - Inspiration from the Hood
Saskatoon judge sentences Hells Angel puppet to 18 years
Harm Promotion is killing small business in Surrey
Another police probe shut down by the courts
Another Judge crushes police probe
Finian escapes like a bat outta hell

Tim Petruk stands like a rock
NDP's businss plan for BC
Liberals table bill to legalize pot
Gas fraud rocks metro Vancouver
Chemical Weapons in Syria: Info Wars
Postmedia News folds like a cheap tent
The Hard Way Out: New book about Hells Angel betrayal
Pamela Anderson endorses Julian Assange

Harm Promotion isn't working
Fatal shooting at Langley Hotel
Fire engulfs skyscraper in Dubai
The Launch of the Surrey Now-Leader
Hollyburn Lodge Restored and Revitalized
Another "terrorist" attack in Russia with no motive
Hells Angels pride parade at Devil's Rejects clubhouse
President of Surrey Creep Catchers arrested for assault
The end of the Surrey Leader creates an opportunity
Justice for Hudson Brooks - Cop shot herself
Christy Clark government sued for fraud
Hells Angels Dark Business in Thailand
David Giles receives 18 year prison sentence

The Recurring Deception
Man shot dead in Edmonton
Vancouver Hells Angel Meltdown
Independent Soldier shot dead in Vernon
The Last Don Standing: Inside look at the Costa Nosta
Hells Angels prospect killed on Vancouver Island
Johnny Newcome's chop shop back in the news
Hell Angels rival shot dead in East Vancouver
Brenda Butterworth-Carr takes over BC RCMP
George Christie blogs about prison life
Quebec and BC Corruption
Women's rights in the DTES
Ion Kroitoru: Johnny K-9 is dead
Hells Angel Drug Bust in Belleville, Ontario
Hells Angel associate pleads guilty in Fentanyl bust
Low Barrier Shelters are Nothing to be Happy About
More treatment, less enabling needed in drug battle
Death sentence for killing Hells Angel in Thailand
The criminal history of the Kelowna Hells Angels
David Revell's deportation hearing
The David Giles Declaration
Joey Verma the Omerta

What is the CIA doing in the USA?
Vancouver Rally against Islamophobia
The Dark side of Donald Trump

Women's rights misrepresented

Behind every great man is a great woman.
Behind every great woman is... ah never mind.
Hells Angel charged in Frankfurt gangland shooting
Stop Hillary Clinton's
Arms dealing and
drug trafficking

CIA's slander campaign takes over Mainstream Media
Christy Clark corruption makes the New York Times
The BC Hydro Fraud represents the other fiscal cliff
Metro Vancouver's Tsunami Warning:
Medical Premiums skyrocket to pay for prescription heroin
Harm promotion pushes Vancouver over fiscal cliff
Families Demand Justice Against Drug Dealers
Fentanyl dealers charged with manslaughter

The world needs a little more Wayne Moriarty
Vernon RCMP implement the New York Model
Operation Deep Freeze: Facing Fentanyl Fatalities

Users overdose minutes after cashing assistance cheques
Larry Campbell speaks out in support of the Devil
Freeze the Tsunami
before it drowns all of us

The public expressed their concerns about open drug use
on the Surrey Strip in June 2008
and nothing was
done about it.
Businesses in Newton complained about drug trafficking
in front of their place of business January 2014
and nothing was done about it.
May 2016
the public drug use on the Surrey Strip is out of control.
People and
businesses are dying at a record rate as a result.
The Front Room and the Lookout
are drug houses.
This is not the New York Model.

"Marcus Aurelius had a dream that was Rome. This is not it."