I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear,
free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I
believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of
freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind." From the Canadian Bill of
Rights, July 1, 1960I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear,
free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I
believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of
freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind." From the Canadian Bill of
Rights, July 1, 1960
NATO Auditor Who Discovered US Funds ISIS Found Dead
Police make two arrests related to Rock Machine murder
Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart's new reality series
Heartwarming Amazon add defines a Free Republic
Russia moves nuclear missiles closer to Europe
Castro is dead: Viva la Francois Hollande
Real IRA member shot and killed in Cork
George Christie's Exile on Front Street
Surf's up: The New Season has Begun
Trudeau rejects Northern Gateway
Christy Clark's densification fraud
Ziggy Matheson found guilty
God Damn the Pusher Man

The US Debt to China Fraud
The November Man
Shunning Extremism
Donald Trump and Free Trade
Remembrance Day: Lest we forget
Macklemore speaks out on Addiction
The End of the Bush Clinton Fraud Era
2016 US Election Results and California Chronic
Hillary Trump Drama and the Rise of Free Speech
Rick Levesque and the Tribal MC in Fort McMurray
Josh Petrin found guilty in shooting of Lorry Santos
Kelowna Hells Angels in possession of stolen property
BC Law Society rebuked for violating Charter of Rights
Targeted Homicide in Langley -
Bob Green's Eulogy

CSIS caught breaking the law again
Rise in Opioid addiction in the US
Dusty Swanson sentenced to 15 years
Verdict coming in Greece murder trial
Police seize 73 kilos of cocaine in Toronto
Vancouver City Hall endorses China's holocaust
Canadians busted in Utah with 107 kilos of crystal meth
Surrey's New Police Chief is a breath of fresh air
Hells Angels leader shot dead in Germany
Edward Snowden movie hits the theatre
Freeway Ricky: Crack in the System

New York Cop Corruption in the /80's
Hilary Clinton's Qatar connection to ISIS
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS
Susan Lindauer and the War on Whistleblowers
George Christie's new book has been released
Ontario Nomads shut down after shootings
The Last American Outlaw
Snowden hits the theatre
A Good Way Out

Spike in traffic from China
Cannabis Miracle, Pot Fraud
BC's' Fentanyl Crisis - the Faces of Fentanyl

$45 million found on former Hells Angels compound
Investigation extended into Victoria Chief of Police
Hells Angels associate gunned down in Quebec
The AFT's Predisposition for Corruption
Stephen Harper at the Bohemian Grove
Remembering 911 and Air India

Guilty Plea in the Guthrie McKay and Lisa Dudley Murder
Cross Border Policing is still a Bad Idea
Battle of the Bands in Germany
Creep Catchers catch a cop
K-9 out on Parole
Living off the avails: Pimping
Racists of Odin march in Edmonton
Nine fentanyl overdoses in 20 minutes
Trudeau dances around organ harvesting
The Bleeding Edge - New Vancouver made movie
BC Redd Alert leader shot in East Vancouver
Law Enforcement and George Christie
Sonny Barger and George Christie
Biker conflict in Fort Mac rekindles
Sonny Barger rejoins Oakland chapter
Exclusive Interview with George Christie
Exile on Front Street: My life as a Hells Angel and

Researcher astonished by level of drug violence in DTES
President of Ontario Nomads shot in Granby
World wide protest to set Wang Zhiwen free
Cyrus the Great and the Persian Promise

Another social experiment -
I've seen too much hate
Philippines President: Shoot to kill drug dealers
Kelowna News - Shootings and Machete attack
16 year old drug OD in Starbucks washroom
Woman knocks out groper in elevator
Rob Ford crack video released
Fentanyl addiction in Calgary
Organ Harvesting in China is big business

Liu Xiaobo and Edward Snowden

Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton the founder of ISIS
Entrapment argument succeeds in Surrey pressure Cooker fraud
The Crown makes an unethical ex parte application
Bill Tieleman speaks out on Nuttall Entrapment
Catherine Bruce Achieves Sainthood

The Return of Jason Bourne

Cocaine laced with fentanyl at Shakerz results in fatality
Illegal pop up lethal injection site opens in Surrey
Man stabbed at Vancouver's "safe" injection site
43 drug overdoses in Whalley over the weekend
Accidental shooting at Surrey injection site
Surrey braces for more fentanyl overdoses

Joe Siega is out in bad standing
Surrey Hells Angels make the news
Ruben “Doc" Cavazos out in bad standing
Falun Gong rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery
Toronto Cop sentenced to six years for attempted murder
Update on the Hells Angels Criminal Organization Status
Surrey Entrapment Fraud exposes Elephant in the Room
Every time a police task force found
organized crime,
a government body disbanded that police task force.
Finian Commission's Spotlight on Communist China
Supporting the Falun Gong Protest on Canada Day
Surrey Syrian Refugee Update - Salam Alaikum

Fathers in the hood
Fire sweeps legal grow op in Langley
Britain Breaks Free from the European Union
Update on the Hells Angels Criminal Organization Status
Steven Seagal thinks a lot of mass shootings are engineered
Hillary Clinton and Operation Fast and Furious
State of the Union Part One: The CIA's control of the media
Part Two: Requiem for the American Dream with Noam Chomsky
Edmonton Hells Angels busted for possession of stolen
Couple charged with lacing pills with fentanyl in West Kelowna
More Shootings in Toronto - Hells Angels associate killed
David Giles' coaccused sentenced
Eulogy: Finian's Ghetto Gospel
Bob Marley
the Lions of Zion. Zionism isn't evicting woman and children
onto the street. Zionism is the quest for a better society
where people work together for the common good like
Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salam.
Liberals planning to buy Super Hornets
Press Gallery Dinner's 150th Royal Roast
Why Avoid Unnecessary Debt?
Judy Tabchy's sweetheart deal for writing Christy Clark's
Health Canada approves prescription heroin and GMO Salmon
Kamloops RCMP officer charged with selling cocaine
Ip Man 2 Update: Mike Tyson in Ip Man 3
Steven Skinner arrested in Venezuela
Prince died from a fentanyl overdose
One year plus a day for murder
Tent city plagued by violence
Canada Arms China's nuclear Sub
Canadian Ambassador insults Ireland
Mayors Counsel want more money to spend
VPD Officer shoots knife wielding suspect in the leg
Blaze will appear in Supreme Court for a pre-trial conference
Royal Mail profits plunge after Moya Greene takes helm
Trial underway into massive Langford drug bust
Cheap imitations and fake ass wannabees
Public sale of drugs in Surrey -
Clay Roueche's new book and web site
Fraser MacRae was a Rock Star
Former spokesman for B.C. RCMP charged with sex assault
Snoop Dog speaks out on Vancouver's Harm Promotion
Jim Brown finally leaves the RCMP - Oh Happy Day
Hamilton cop alleges betrayal by his force
Ontario Hells Angel shot in Quebec
Postal Banking in Canada could balance the budget
BC Hydro borrows more money to pay dividend
Surrey Syrian Refugee Update - Salam Alaikum
CIA left explosives in Virginia school bus
Erik Prince of Darkness has Returned
Rising above hate and intolerance
ISIS Official Web Site still Missing
Russia, North Korea and China
9/11 Smoke and Mirrors
In 1986
Montreal Hells Angel involved with cocaine trafficking in BC admitted to planting a
bomb outside Tara Singh Hayer's office in Surrey. Hayer was going to testify in the Air
India trial. A local terrorist organization involved with the Air India attack hired Hells
Angels associates to plant the bomb.
Every time a police task force
found organized crime, a government body
disbanded that police task force. 1) The RCMP issued a report showing how bad money
laundering was in BC casinos. Instead of dealing with the problem, Rich Coleman and the BC
Liberals did away
with the RCMP's Integrated Illegal Gaming Enforcement Team.
2) Operation
Phoenix was a Regional Task Force's investigation that targeted Hal Porteous and the
BC Hells Angels. The RCMP scuttled that operation and prevented it from going to trial.
Then disbanded the task force responsible for the
investigation. Allen Dalstrom received
a $2 million out of court settlement to keep his mouth shut.
3) 2 1/2 tons of cocaine bound
for the BC Hells Angels were seized in the Western Wind bust. Richard
Barszczewski from the RCMP scuttled that operation and prevented any Hells Angels from
being charged.
4) Pat Fogarty issued a ridiculous
head up his ass public rant about how the Hells Angels aren't a problem in Kelowna any
more it's the other guys we have to worry about. Then the Gang Task Force and the OMGU proved him wrong
in every possible
way. So what do they do? They get rid of the OMGU and cut
back the Gang Task Force putting another political puppet in charge saying everything
is OK.
5) Wally
Opal shut down the
missing women inquiry as soon as the
Hells Angels were mentioned and turned it into a panel discussion where he could more
easily ban key evidence claiming the mandate of the inquiry was not to find other suspects
even though Robert Pickton was convicted based on the fact that he was not the only or
main suspect just an active participant.
6) The Port Police were disbanded in 1997 right
when the Hells Angles took over the docks in Canada. Are we beginning to see a pattern