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Green Justice
Civil Liberty and Fiscal Responsibility


Gangstersout Podcast - Video Blog

Colion Noir on Trump's Assassination Attempt

Pierre Poilievre: stolen cars getting shipped to Dubai

Pierre Poilievre and Clinton Jaws on Safe Injection sites

Shots fired at Trump rally, shooter dead - Motive Missing

France Election: Gabriel Attal resigns as Prime Minister

Israeli protests against Netanyahu intensify

Keir Starmer elected PM of England

Northern Ireland election Results

FISA 702: The Patriot Act 2.0

Police on Guard on Unlaw Orders

Protocol 7 the Movie in Theatres now

Tommy Robinson and Islamic Extreemism

Anniversary of Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder

Surrey's application to save the RCMP dismissed

Democrats consider replacing Joe Biden with ventriloquist

Toronto Moving Bilboard promotes the narative

New YouTube Channel about BC back burns

Candace Owens starts to do some 9/11 math

Balancing the Extremes in life and politics

Julian Assange walks free after plead deal

US Supreme Court Guts Biden's ATF

Why the ATF should be disbanded

New Covid Fraud in the UK

Free Covid Tests - WTF?

Israelis demand an end to the war

WEF: Why the Magnitsky Act is Bad

The Bill Browder Hoax & Cameron Ortis

Israeli Investment Fraud and Jamaican Scams

Investigative Journalism and White Collar Crime

Why did Mossad hack so many elections in Africa?

Israel bombs another Gaza camp it had declared safe

Benjamin Netanyahu is Hamas, Gill Rosenberg is Mossad

Anti-government protest in Tel Aviv

Forest Fires, Arson and Preignition

Forest fires and melting snow

Israel killed UN aid worker in Rafah

The Significance of the Rafa invasion

Burisma had ties to financing terrorists

Natural gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan

Anti government protests in Israel intensify

Hiring MacMillan Bloedel to fight forest fires

BC to recriminalize use of drugs in public spaces

The fake news fosters hate and division over Israel

Gaza's new port for Natural gas and the new canal

Justin Trudeau falls 20 points behind Conservatives

Canadian Freedom Coalition & Independent Candidates

Israel closes Rafah crossing and orders everyone to leave

CSIS gets more power, warns of anti gender idealogy

Saudi's oil monopoly and the World Economic Forum

Anti-government demonstrations continue in Tel Aviv

Religious Persecution and human sacrifice in India

India admits rogue agents ordered assassinations

A Voice of reason amidst a daily dose of insanity

Lessons for life from Zander and Shostakovich

Gangsters, Soldiers and Freedom Fighters

Saskatchewan's late-season chill

Broadening your horizons

Gina Carano on Tucker Carlson

Israel provokes a conflict with Iran

NDP withdraws support for Carbon Tax

Iron Dome withstands Iran's counter attack

Examining the political climate within Israel

We survived yet another solar eclipse

The De Evolution of Astronomy

Science Kits, Aithiests and Flat Earthers

2nd Law of Thermodynamics: Order in the Universe

The CIA created ISIS and ISIS K

BC Conservatives drop the ball

Oregon recriminalizes drug possession

Examining the political climate within Israel

Israelis hold another anti-government protest

Israel intentionally killed 7 foreign aid workers

Cameron Ortis granted bail during his Appeal

Why was Jesus Cancelled? - Christian Intolerance

BC Conservatives have already been hijacked

Candace Owens defamed by Rabbi Shmuley

Cherry Blossoms and Climate Change

Trump's God Bless the USA Bibles

A Toronto man tracked his stolen car to Dubai

Russia's concert hall shooting in Moscow Déjà vu

The World has Changed and we must not change with it.

Google has become an major source of misinformation

Netanyahu vows to defy allies on Rafah invasion

William Majcher interview with CTV

Ben Shapiro fired Candace Owens

Inversion on Hollyburn Ridge

ArriveCAN Scam on Tik Tok

Ramadan Mubarak

Lyin' Brian Bites the Dust

Farmers protest in Quebec

High Treason in Canadian Courts

Transitioning News - Let kids be kids

IDF Build new road across Gaza for the Canal

Dr Phil's World Tour: Lock downs and child trafficking

US Supreme Court rules Trump stays on Colorado ballot

Liberals stop building roads and reveal their real Agenda

Leslyn Lewis: Smart Cities and the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Windsor Constable punished for donating to the Freedom Convoy

Israeli News confronts IDF Friendly fire on October 7th

IDF Bulldozing over cemeteries in Gaza

The Desecration of the Star of David

Israel used to sing a song for Peace

CIA orchestrated Haiti’s 2004 coup

Bonnie Henry's Bogus Movie Night

Finland to open 300 shooting ranges

RFK on War Profiteering in the Ukraine

Exploding debt and unjustified foreign aid

The Hamas Gang Rape and the Test of Truth

Chile's Wildfires and another not so Smart City

What if Donald Trump chose RFK to be his VP?

CSIS admits to monitoring parental rights activists

Australia calls for US to drop case against Assange

French Farmers building a wall to keep the politicians in

India destroys Mosque orders police to shoot protesters

Alexey Navalny's right hand man meeting with MI6 agent

Jason Goodman interviews Eric Christie from January 6th

Video evidence shows Capitol Police lied about Jan. 6

 Leaving the Gang Life and the Intelligence Community

Public drug use is an attack on the Charter of Rights

Alberta power grid under heavy strain from the cold

The Solution to Metro Vancouver's Housing Crisis

Chrystia Freeland wants to make everyone poor

Diversity makes us Strong