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Green Justice
Civil Liberty and Fiscal Responsibility


Gangstersout Podcast - Video Blog

Chile's Wildfires and another not so Smart City

India destroys Mosque orders police to shoot protesters

Clare Daly speaks out: Ireland disowns Butcher Biden

Northern Ireland's self government has begun

Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin

David Eby denounces Bell Media

Biden's Biolabs and the new Flu

A Classified look at the Future

Phantom Security, ANOM and SkyECC

CIA leaker Josh Schulte to serve 40 years

Portland declares 90-day state of emergency

Surrey overnight shooting at Sikh activist's house

EU HQ in Brussels faces massive Farmer Protest

Israeli security experts manipulate global elections

Criminal Kingpin Leads Drug Trade Thanks to the CIA

Take Back Our Border convoy continues onward to Texas

Illegal border crossings shift from Texas to California and Arizona

Naji Sharifi Zindashti: Sifting through the truth and the lies

Vancouver Sun claims drought during atmospheric river

Damion Ryan, James Riach and Operation CUYA

God Bless Greg Abbott and the Texas Rangers

Ukraine says corrupt officials stole $40 million

The Five Eyes killed Hardeep Singh Nijjar

The Five Eyes Alliance Fraud

Hope, Reflection and Deception

Tucker Carlson comes to speak in Canada

The Five Eyes of the World Economic Forum

Use of Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional

UK gives DUP two more weeks to revive Stormount

Jason Goodman interviews Eric Christie from January 6th

The Five Eyes and the Surrey Pressure Cooker Bomb Plot

Leaving the Gang Life and the Intelligence Community

World Court orders Israel to prevent acts of genocide

The Exploitation and Demonetization of Iran

Terrorist Attack in Edmonton and 9/11

MI5's Orchestrated event in London

The China Syndrome Revisited

Jason Goodman on Cameron Ortis

Morality and the enemy of all righteousness

The Five Eyes of the World Economic Forum

Use of Emergencies Act ruled unconstitutional

Video evidence shows Capitol Police lied about Jan. 6

Alberta power grid under heavy strain from the cold

The Devil in Davos and the fake news

Trump sercures record win in Iowa

Israel continues to bomb Gaza

Iran bombs ISIS in Syria and Pakistan

Beneath Sheeps Clothing Documentary

Rebel News Reporter Unlawfully Arrested

Brooklyn Jewish Pedo ring busted in 2011

Tamara Lich interviewed by Police on Guard

Nikki Haley, Donald Trump and Ron Desantis

Global Fake News cites World Economic Forum

Sikh protest camp opposing gender ideology in schools

BC to give fentanyl to minors without parents consent

Imortant Farmer protests in France and Germany

January 6th: North American is still under attack

Beneath Sheeps Clothing Documentary

2024: The Brave New Year

Public drug use is an attack on the Charter of Rights

Tucker Carlson coming to Alberta January 24th

Sam Bankman-Fried spared second trial

2023 Joel Skousen Year End Analysis

The UN's New World Order - Update

Epstein list unsealed, but is it really?

QAnon reloads another false prophecy

Head of RCMP's advisory board resigns

Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson is a Freak

Xi Jinping claims reunification of Taiwan inevitable

Trans mountain pipeline overruns and SNC Lavalin

Supreme Court strikes down Netanyahu's power grab

The Winds of Change: Facing the rising cost of housing

2023 Year in Review

The humble birth of Christ

The Secularization of Christmas

The Discomfort of Homelessness

The Fake News Parrots the same narrative

O Tannenbaum: Christmas Grief and Christmas Hope

Christmas Epiphany 2023: Preparing for the Aplocalipse

Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago

There's good and bad on both sides of the Gaza conflict

Thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in Japan

Mutual respect between Gaza and Israel

Cameron Ortis and the thought police

Inside Vancouver's failed drug policy

Detective Helen Grus' case settled

Ibrahim Ali found guilty of murder

Get Rid of the RCMP dot ca

Suspicious suicides do exist

Jury finds Cameron Ortis guilty

Alberta Covid emergency inquiry

Gaza ceasefire and prisoner swap

Examining the Cameron Ortis case

The Ben Gurion Canal Project in Gaza

Gangstersout Podcast with Elspeth Beard

Zelensky Cancels the Presidential Election

 Israel Government Restricts Rights of Israelis

Solemn Reflection on Remembrance Day 2023

Cameron Ortis' redacted testimony

Benjamin Netanyahu has lost his mind

Civilians leaving Gaza escorted by Israeli tanks

Judge overturns Bridgeport, Connecticut's civic election

Israel gave birth control to Ethiopians without their consent

Transcript of Cameron Ortis' testimony still not available

Rising above the stereotypes about Jews and Muslims

Philippines launches investigation into excess deaths

Cameron Ortis' innocence begins to be revealed

More Israeli soldiers confirm Stand Down Order

The WEF wants Gaza's Oil and Gas

Halloween in Gaza In Real Life

Respect for cultural diversity

Jupiter’s Travels 50th Anniversary

Fundraising Fraud in times of War

Al Qaeda this, ISIS that, Hamas what?

The CIA, ISIS and the IDF stand down order

The refusal to recognize 9/11 was an inside job

Israeli soldier thinks Hamas attack was an inside job

The invasiveness of the CIA - Being Prepared in chaotic times

Andrew Bridgen discusses excessive deaths in Parliament

Statistically Improbable: Sudden Infant Deaths Ignored

The Cameron Ortis set up has been revealed

Hamas and ISIS : Reflecting on the Other side

Donald Best on the trial of Detective Helen Grus

BC proposes sweeping ban on public use of illegal drugs

Hamas has declared war with Israel - Come let us reason together

One Million March for Children - The Rise of All-Ages Sex Shops

Muslim Association of Canada rebukes Justin Trudeau

Liberals scapegoat House Speaker for honouring Nazi

Project HAARP and the Weather Modification Act

Jason Whitlock on January 6 political prisoners

The Logistics of Means and Motive

9/11 and the Air India bombing

Air India Bombing revisited on BBC

Pattullo Bridge Replacement has begun

Ontario Hells Angel home torched again

SNC Lavalin owns Trans Mountain pipeline

Man charged with Arson in Quebec forest fire

Tamara Lich and Chris Barber's Kangaroo Court begins

Live Interviews from the Khalistan Referendum in Surrey

John Dodson on Operation Fast and Furious

New York reinstates unvaxxed teachers

Khalistan Referendum in Surrey BC

Wind Therapy on a Motorcycle

Highly Suspicious Fire in Hawaii

CSIS, China and Global Fake News

Extremism: The Two Faces of Crazy

Savary Island and Desolation Sound

Taliban’s Successful Opium Eradication

Strange statements made about the Hawaii fire

West Kelowna Forest Fire: In and Out of Control

Kelowna, Hawaii and the Kaleidoscope of Insanity

Kid Carson and Tasha Fishman on Unschooling

Bowron Lakes to Desolation Sound Road Trip

More Charges Dropped Against Sam Bankman-Fried

The arrest of RCMP Money laundering investigator

Second ex-Mountie named as co-conspirator

How the Fake News is Portraying China

Alternative Iranian Protest in Vancouver

Falun Gong Rally and March in Vancouver

Marxist cancelled for criticizing gender ideology

David Leatherwood: Children cannot consent

Weekly Wednesday Protest in Maple Ridge

Nurses rally at Victoria Hospital over staffing shortages

Supreme Court restrains Biden's ability to censor social media

Founder of Gays Against Groomers speaks at Moms For Liberty

Bill C4: Transitioning children without Parent's consent

Cluster bombs, Doctor shortage and Pedophile hate

SHFT TV: The rise of independent media

Bill C-47 bans supliments

Health Care Workers oppose Bill 36

Pierre Barnes from Exposing SOGI 123

Canadian navy member validates pedophilia

Fifteen Tennis Players Unable to Finish Miami Open

Fasting helps detox from Covid rna vaccine spike protein

Toronto Star-Postmedia merger controls the narrative

BC Liberals finish fourth place in byelection

Ride like the Wind - We need a new playlist

Muslims protest outside Justin Trudeau’s office

Electronic tabulators to be used in BC elections

Dominican basketball player dies of heart attack

Table dancing drag show for RCMP in Surrey

Flaxen cords: Don't get Dragged into slavery.

Man shot dead outside Sikh Temple in Surrey

Paul Bernardo, Clifford Olsen and Erik Carnell

Nanaimo residents hold another anti-crime rally

Unsealed report on Dominion Voting vulnerabilities

BC schools apologize for sexual materials given to students

Ted Simon Jupiter's Travels - Finding Balance and staying Positive

David Eby declares that opposing child grooming is hateful

Maxime Berner defeated in Portage-Lisgar byelection

Justin Trudeau met with Holocaust denier in Ukraine

Calgary Muslims protest child grooming in schools

Facebook & Instagram cut off News for Canadians

Putin shows draft peace agreement with Ukraine 

Dr Steven Pelech: Covid Misinformation

Justin Trudeau left teaching mid term

Gays Against Groomers Cancelled

The Vancouver Sun is Worthless

Rise above it all like the Lotus

My New Book: The First Step

Instagram banned Robert Kennedy

Muslims protest sexualization of children

Tucker's Carlson's Breaking News on the Ukraine

Q+ Freaks target children in Winnipeg and Quebec

Fake Environmentalism launches new famine in Ireland

Trump Town Hall and the Republican Ride in Iowa

Leslin Lewis on the WEF's Agile Nations Program

Flaxen cords: Don't get Dragged into slavery.

All-ages drag show held on Parliament Hill

Drea Humphrey interviews Chris Barber

Gangstersout Interview withTamara Lich

Book: Hold The Line by Tamara Lich

The Censorship of Robert F Kennedy

Natural gas will lower Global emissions

Justin Trudeau wants to erase Terry Fox

Post Media's Covid fake news Time Warp

Maple Ridge considers Public drug use ban

Drug Dealer defiantly tests decriminalization

Shutting down lawful protest in North Vancouver

Unacceptable: A documentary about the Convoy

Kelowna Rally in support of the Freedom Convoy

US border no longer requires proof of vaccination

FDA knew about Pfizer fatal side effects on babies

Examining the Oil Wars and the History of all Conflict

Protest outside Chinese consulate in Vancouver

CIA rejects Xi Jinping's Ukraine Peace Plan

General Liu Yazhou and Xi Jinping

A Message for Xi Jinping 


BC NDP strongly recommends Surrey continues transition

Saudi announces surprise porduction cuts: That is haram.

Alberta electronic voting is a red flag for everyone

Justin Trudeau wants to become a cocaine dealer

An Inside look at the Drag Queen Storytime

Stormy Daniels' Circus Freak Side Show

9mm Ballistics from Ammo dot com

Google Censorship and the CIA

Clay Farnswort from Police on Guard

Preparing for the Road Trip to Alaska: New eBook

Dutch farmers' protest party scores big election win

Saskatchewan hedges against federal fertilizer bans

BC drops vaccine requirements for public servants

Women Jailed for their beliefs in Communist China

The EU wants to eliminate 3,000 farms in Belgium

Medical experts confront Government misinformation

Alberta embraces the Portugal model. BC abandons it.

Langley company gets license to produce cocaine

The Left's obsession to sexualize young children

Chilliwack school Libraries promote incest

Banning Natural gas is completely insane

Christine Anderson's visit to Canada

Bill Maher on the Woke Revolution

Rectal torture at Guantanamo Bay

Bill Maher and Woody Harrelson

Woody Harrelson on SNL

Confronting evil and shame

Ron DeSantis and George Soros

Warning labels on beer and wine

The Postmedia Lawsuit has been Settled

The Future of Surrey: Reflecting on my crib

The Solution to Metro Vancouver's Housing Crisis

Bill Morneau: A Path to Canadian Prosperity

The Left's obsession to sexualize young children

Journalist gets myocarditis from the common cold

Immigration and housing: Conflicting protests in Dublin

Silencing of addiction experts who criticize 'safe supply'

Liberals withdraw amendment banning hunting rifles

Economic Growth: The Value of Immigration

Janet Yellen wants workers' wages low

MAID and the Compassionate Lie

US Pipeline Raid in Syria

China's spy balloon nonsense

Justin's Fertilizer Tax increases inflation

Get your booster Not for Omicron offshoot

Leslyn Lewis on Justin Trudeau's WEF Charter

 Excess All Cause Mortality is a Cause for Concern

Chrystia Freeland wants to make everyone poor

The Devil in Davos

Covid Care Alliance Update

Japan looks to Canada for LNG

The Manufactured Energy Crisis

More Fake News about Pan-Am Flight 103

Bill's Damar Hamlin's Cardiac Arrest

Police on Guard Support Gear

Myanmar and the Ukraine

2022 in Review: Examining the Narrative

Finding yourself in Ireland is a magnificent movie

NDP MPs oppose Justin Trudeau's last minute amendment to Bill C-21

First Nations leaders unanimously vote against Ottawa’s gun control

Grant Wahl's sudden death in Quatar

Climate Change Protesters: The March of Evil

Netherlands to forcefully shut down 3,000 farms

Deanna McLeod on post vaccination myocarditis

Trust in the mainstream media continues to decline

Klaus Schwab praises the Chinese Communist Party

Trudeau feared the convoy's organizing abilities

QR Codes and Covid protests in China

Doug McCallum found not guilty

Obeying changing gun laws in Canada

Vancouver is ending it's contract with VANDU

The LDS Church & the Gay Marriage Ammendment

Ottawa is seeking to ban all legal firearms ownership

Jagmeet Singh's support for the all inclusive gun grab

Why the CIA is on the wrong side and how they got there

Justin Trudeau gets rebuked by Winnie the Pooh

Arizona ballot drop - Coups are never the answer

Vote tabulation glitch in Arizona and New York

FTX Cryptocurrency exchange files for bankruptcy

CIA tools can fake cyberattack origins, blame Russia or China

Jonathan and Barbara Kay vindicated on ANTIFA hate

Court certifies class action against the RCMP

Kash Heeds slams Brenda Locke

The Future of Postmedia News

Pakistan's former Prime Minister shot

Mass protests over Voter fraud in Brazil

Policy Horizons Canada and the Great Reset

Daniel Bulford, Tamara Lich and Doug McCallum


Alberta Gang Task Force seize 928 kilos of crystal meth

Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather was a Nazi collaborator

World Mayors' Conference of Fake Envorionmentalism

New York Judge Strikes Down their Vaccine Mandate

Unexpected Sudden death of Toronto's Baby Panada

Police on Guard interview with Dr Peter McCullough

Five Times August Silent War - Outtayerdaminde

Natural gas would solve Europe's energy crisis

Xi Jinping has former president removed

Diwali: Light and Noise chase Evil

Fatal shooting in Toronto - Fatal shooting in Langley

Justin Trudeau heckled in Surrey

Politics Explained with Aaron Gunn

Justin Trudeau's handgun ban takes effect

New Brunswick fourth province to oppose Liberal gun grab

Surrey's civic election requires a physical recount

Cross examination in Emergencies Act hearings

Dr Peter McCullough on Athletes dying young

Dominion Voting in Surrey and Vancouver

PayPal fines for free speech

 Chinese police stations in Canada

AOC taking the heat for being a fraud

Ken Sims elected mayor of Vancouver

Tulsi Gabbard leaves the Democrat Party

Dominion Voting in Surrey and Vancouver

Maxime Bernier's stance on the Ukraine war

Danielle Smith becomes Alberta's next premier

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines increase risk of cardiac-related death

Trudeau Government funding the WEF with tax dollars

 UN teamed up with the WEF to censor Google

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

OPEC debates cutting oil production

We don't need more Stat holidays

Absurd headlines and the Oath Keepers

Iranian protests and the Freedom Convoy

Surrey Connect Councillor Jack Hundial drops out

John Gibeau joins Doug McCallum's Safe Surrey Coalition

Clinton Jaws: Gabe Wortman's guns were not legally obtained

Pierre Poilievre accuses journalist of being Liberal heckler

Massive Energy Hike in the UK

Canada signs energy deal with Germany

BC Government ramping up free Rapid Tests

Dr Leslyn Lewis interviewed by Jordan B Peterson

The Evolution of Gangsters out: Examining the Agenda

Ottawa Police Officer charged for investigating children’s deaths

Alexander Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb

Ukraine still shelling reactor in Donbas

Leslyn Lewis hits it out of the park

The Great American Witch Hunt

More Fake News on Twisted Tuesday

Ukraine scatters Petal bombs in civilian areas of Donbas

Ukrainian POWs killed in suspicious attack

Residential Schools Misrepresented

Two charged in Malik murder

Tamara Lich granted bail

Roman Barber speaks in Surrey

False Flags and Orchestrated Events

Leslyn Lewis on the World Economic Forum

Alberta Court rules in favour of Pastor Artur Pawlowski

The Jericho 941F: Buying handguns before the freeze

Crown prosecutor of Tamara Lich donated to Liberals

Falun Gong Candlelight vigil in Vancouver

Independent Journalist arrested in Alberta

Dutch Farmers Protest Nitrogen Cuts

Cricket plant coming to London

Saanich bank robery suspects

Net Zero 2050: I'm out

Overview: GunDebate.ca

The Opium Wars have begun

Taliban bans opium in Afganistan

Battle in Ukraine: Zelenskiy vows to retake territory

Justin Trudeau reduces sentences for serious gun crimes

Trudeau decriminalizes possession of hard drugs in BC

Justin Trudeau announces national handgun freeze

Victims’ families boycotting NS mass shooting inquiry

Answers from Edmonton on crime and drugs

Debi Johnstone stalks Doug McCallum

Bill Gates, baby formula and the bird flu

BC puts healthcare at risk: Hire back our Heroes

BC releases proposed plan for decolonized police force

Sinn Fein win most seats in historic election

Bikers, Drug Dealers and Stamp Collectors

Rolling Thunder in Ottawa Livestream

Holocaust deniers and Flat Earthers

Chris Sky and Jack Murphy

Falun Gong Rally in Vancouver

How Ron Fouchier Created A Mutant H5N1 Virus

US Judge Cancels Mask Mandate On Planes And Trains

Canada joins calls to remove China from UN Human Rights Council

Los Angeles firefighters join Defeat the Mandates rally

Veterans4freedom march in Ottawa

Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally in Ottawa

Metro Vancouver Housing Market is out of control

BC sees a decrease in hospital patients with Covid

John Horgan caught orchestrating Omicron False Flag

How Ukraine Crisis is Making the Saudi Royal Family Richer

Bioweapons Research At Pentagon Biolabs In Ukraine

James Topp speaks at Calgary Freedom Rally

Trudeau obsessed with censoring Internet

Cherry Blossoms in Vancouver

Dr Byram Bridle: Do masks work?

The Pursuit of Peace in a troubled world

Hunter Biden Bio Firm in the Ukraine funded by DoD

2021 - 2022 Epidemic of heart issues in athletes

Freedom Film 2022 - Faith, Hope and Charity

Volodymyr Zelensky bans opposition

Chris Sky is sowing seeds of dissension

German MEP confronts Justin Trudeau's hypocrisy

Croatian MEP denounces Justin Trudeau at the EU

Klaus Schwab: The Capitalist Manifesto

Google censorship continues

More disturbing images from Hunter Biden's laptop

Conservative leadership candidates reveal their character

Tamara Lich Welcomed home from prison as a hero

The conflict in the Ukraine could easily end today

Anita Krishna covers Media is the Virus Rally

Another Mainstream Media reporter resigns

Mitt Romney is a Dirty POS

John Horgan is an A*shole

Huawei and the CCP

#FreeBC: Lest we forget

Leslyn Lewis sets the pace for the race

Strangling Canadian oil and gas is a bad idea

The Second Biggest Fraud in Recorded History

Robert Malone and Brian Peckford on Ukraine Bio labs

UK Media and Finnish MEP condemn Justin Trudeau's hypocrisy

Jean Charest set to run for Conservative Party leadership

Regulatory and Appeals Commission drops price of gas

Slandering and demonising of the Canadian truckers

Capitalism and Greed

Finding light in the darkness

The future of ownership in Canada

Documented US biolabs in the Ukraine

Nord Stream 2 Pipeline and Saudi Arabia

Court ordered release of Pfizer documents

Skyrocketing gas prices and the oil monopoly

Ukrainian Nationalists want Russian citizens out

Switzerland freezes Russia's bank acounts

Omicron did a better job than the Vaccines

Ukraine Update: Hunter Biden and Metabiota

Update on the Ukraine - the Coal War has now begun

Jordan B Peterson interviews Rex Murphy

Justin Trudeau is not a military leader

Stephen Harper is a bad man

Freezing civilians bank accounts

Justin Trudeau is a misogynistic bully

Hells Angels support of the Freedom Convoy

Tamara Lich denied bail by Liberal Candidate

Honk Honk means Let's go Brandon not Heil Hitler

Protest outside Jagmeet Singh's constituency office

More car convoys: Oliver and Osoyoos - Free BC

Broken Trust in Law Enforcement

Processing the Rage - UN NWO

True patriot love

The Rocket's Red Glare

Blockades falling on deaf ears

Ottawa Police bully peaceful protesters

CBC is still lying about the Freedom Convoy

Chris Barber is Justin Trudeau's first political prisoner

Truck Border Crossing shut down in Coverdale


The Sikh Freedom Alliance in support of the Truckers

Veterans take down war memorial fence in Ottawa

Saskatchewan and Alberta lift Covid Restrictions

Second Liberal MP breaks with Justin Trudeau

The Empty Gas Can Protest has now Begun

Calgary Police Officer speaks out off duty

Justin Trudeau desecrates war memorial

Donating to the Truckers through Give Send Go

The Media's misrepresentation of the Truckers Convoy

Truckers Go fund Me Cash hijacked by Justin Trudeau

The Last Straw for Canadians and for Truckers

Justin Trudeau: Man of Hate, Man of Lies

Time to regroup and Circle the Wagons

Jagmeet Singh's Staged Event

Jagmeet Singh's Offensive Lie

Freedom Convoy 2022: Game Day

Words of Wisdom from the Wheelburner

Green Justice supports Constable Erin Howard

T'was the night before the Convoy arrived in Ottawa

Fake Environmentalists want to bring nuclear power to BC

Moammar Gadhafi on Vaccines and the Fish Flu

Foreign Affairs with Candace and Poso

Fake News attacks truckers convoy

England ends all Covid restrictions

Doctors on Tour in Langley BC

Vancouver Freedom Rally

Omicron is the vaccine

Another Weaker Variant

The FDA doesn't test vaccines

Side effects of the Covid vaccines

Booster shot facial recognition tattoos

Retiring RCMP officer pens his Covid resignation

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson on children's vaccination

Ontario and Quebec Omicron Hospitalization Rates

Fox News North and falsified hospitalization rates

Justin Trudeau punishes the fully vaccinated

The Magnitude of Organized Crime

New False Flag in Colombia and the False Positives

Tara Henley's resignation on Fake News Friday

Canadian Lawyers speak out on Cvil Liberty

Clinton Jaws on Omicron overreach

The Testimony of Yeonmi Park

Uncovering the Omicron Conspiracy

Omicron Crime: Seeing the bigger picture

Oregon bans education and common sense

The pandemic will never end if they get their way

 Drug addiction is a disease that requires treatment

BC NDP's Flood response and Covid response

The Omicron Con - Decepticons at work

RCMP Misconduct: What we do in life

Doug McCallum is still under attack

Cameron Ortis was set up

Melissa Tate's Twitter Ban

The murder of Jasmine Thiara

The Comedy of Errors Continues

Surrey Sleazebags hire Bill Tieleman

Dr Mary Bowden speaks on ivermectin

Corporal Bulford speaks on Emergency Act

Toronto cop stole drugs from evidence locker

Blaire White addresses the normalization of Pedophilia

227 B.C. chiropractors threaten to sue regulatory college

Communism vs fascism? Chile's misrepresented election

The Great Smog of 1952 and the Fake Environmentalists

MP Rick Nicholls speaks on Pharmaceutical accountability

US Court blocks Biden's vaccine mandate for Health Care Workers

The Tiger Dam in Abbotsford went across the 401 freeway

Darrell Tingley's letter in the Marxist Leninist Weekly

Confronting the Lies about Variants

Bill Gates and Overpopulation

Free North Declaration

Normalization of Pedophilia

Why Communism doesn't work

Conrad Black has been replaced

Sumas Lake and the Nooksack River

Climate Change: Alarmists and Deniers

Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted of all charges

Rodger Kotanko's Family Press Conference

Dealing with BC's State of Emergency

Erin O'Toole has lost his mind

Kyle Rittenhouse is a Hero

The Unvaccinated Soldier

Heroes No Longer Episode 1 & 2

Health Care workers and East Berlin

New Zealand Haka against Vaccine Mandates

US court maintains block on Biden vaccine mandate

Federal Court Freezes Biden's Vaccine Mandate - Lets go Brandon

Ontario Lays Out Timeline For Lifting Restrictions

The Covid Care Alliance on Unvaccinated Risk

The Vertical line: Freedom's Ascent

Justin Trudeau's crazy talk at COP26

January 6th - The Great Deception

A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in VAERS

Another falsified Covid death in Canada

Covid Corner: Spotlight on Covid Fraud

Archives: Doug McCallum elected mayor of Surrey

Andrew Sheer got more votes that Justin Trudeau

Erin O'Toole got more votes than Justin Trudeau

Leslyn Lewis got more votes than Erin O'Toole

Conservatives were elected in Nova Scotia

Republican elected as Virginia's Governor

Winsome Sears is Virginia's LT Governor

 Jason Miyares is now Virginia's AG

Diversity makes us Strong